~*because i got high....

Friday, November 14, 2008

~*I’ve got a crush on you…

Yups, I’ve got a major crush on you… you cute, spotty lil boy, man… dude. I can’t let you know about it though, because a) you work for the baconshop, and b) I wouldn’t know what to do if the crush is mutual. But, oh sweet, spotty boy… how the world around me seems to slow down (really one! I swear! :p) whenever we pass each other, whenever our eyes and smiles meet… how my heart skips a tiny little beat whenever you come by my place just to make duh conversations… I was on cloud 9 all night after our little chat yesterday, eventhough I had to shoo you away to finish up my work. My cute, sweet spotty boy, one more week and that’s it. You’ll be on another floor in our new bacon place, and I’ll not get to see your cute spotty smile coming to the baconshop every morning :( sob… tsk… sob…

If my instincts are to be trusted, I have a feeling that this crush might be a tiny bit of a mutual thingy, and That could be a potentially scary thing. But If my instincts are screwed up, then that would have saved me from a lot of big decisions, or the potential heartaches, I guess. Not exactly a bad thing either. So I'll be content, with just this crush for you.

Regardless, I have one more week… to take in all your cuteness (??? wtf…haha), your handsome face (hahaha, so kuno, but really, if you look closely, he is handsome leh… but have to look real closely lah :p and if I have not mentioned it enough, his spotties are super cute! Hahaha… but, not like I am going to tell anyone who I am talking about though :p), your boyish smile, the way you talk… ok la, basically everything that I know about you outwardly. Too bad there isn’t more time left for me to know the inner you better…

Hmmm… time to hit the pillows… sweet dreams my sweets… sigh...


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