~*because i got high....

Monday, July 02, 2007

~*more than meets the eyeeeeeeee......

I am mentally exhausted. Mentally exhausted from over thinking about the barbecue party this coming Saturday with the family and a few close friends sans Pimpy. Been thinking a lot about the menu, what I am planning to serve, what I'll be baking as party favors etc. I am tired.

I've also been thinking about jlo's wedding. They are the most indecisive and unexcited newly engaged couple you'll ever meet, making any plannings all the more difficult than supposed to be. It is frustrating when it seems that the bridesmaid are more excited to plan for a wedding than the bride herself. Not so fun. The latest "twang" to the wedding plan was to have it in a a huge mansion as opposed to the beach wedding ideas, due to logistics problem and all, and apparently we, the bridesmaids, will be doing the floral arrangements and in decorating the mansion for the wedding, since that's one of our spare time biz - regardless of whether we've done it before or not :p.
Of course we're thrilled, but knowing the couple, we'll just have to wait till a couple of months just before the wedding day.


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