~*because i got high....

Friday, August 03, 2007

~*New moon...

So it's August already, just a thought that popped into my head (with the help of my cube calender staring at me from its high resting place, the cpu). Got me thinking, what have we all done so far? What have I done so far? And I thought why not just do a check on my "sort of" resolutions for 2007, and see how I fared, so far.

Hmm...let's see, there's the celibacy thing (checked!), the weight loss thing (er... not checked... yet!), the read more books this year thing (checked!... I am onto my 4th :p potter book and I am so loving it! Tqvm!!!), the exercise thing (checked! I can now jog for 3km nonstop, on hilly tracks! Would've love to jog more frequently though, but still woo hoo!) and the increase my savings thing (erm... a tiny, tiny... tiny check? Better than none , right??).

I can't think of any other resolutions from when the year began... but one that came up a couple of months back was to get a new car by year end... God willing that will be checked! the next time I decided to check on my resolution progress again. Fingers crossed.


  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger __MelD__ said…

    jogging or running? :P heee
    as long as not crawling, then it's fine.. muehehhee

  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger blossoms_stoned said…

    oi... no sympathy for people with muscle ter ker??? :p

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger __MelD__ said…

    oh! oh! it's muscle ka? not 'b***pain'? :P Now.. i know. LOL


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